It seems not to happen. In January 2010, Charlene Lee and her company created the Social Graph , which provides the information needed to develop social strategies based on consumer-defined engagement pyramids . By personifying the message and the digital channels that exist between the brand and the market, companies can leverage These are the types media that captures the attention of target demographics (age, income, gender, education, etc.) and They can move from indiscriminate bombing campaigns that sell to consumers to campaigns that use psychographs (grouping by interest). According to Altimeter, the social graph is asking important questions, and exploring the answers to those questions will allow brands to narrow their focus and align resources to just the people who make up each answer. It seems so. 1. Where are your online customers? 2. What social behaviors do your customers engage in online? 3.
What social information or people do customers rely on?
What are the customer social influences? Who trusts the customer? 5. How are customers using social technology with respect to products? To interact authentically and effectively, you need to canadian phone numbers understand the behavior and segmentation of your customer base. That’s why Altimeter’s Engagement Pyramid focuses on and ranks social behavior… Curating (Administrator) – A type of person who is deeply involved in online communities such as bulletin boards, fan pages, Wikipedia, etc. through approval, posting, editing, etc. Curating types invest their time, effort, and perspective to improve the base of information circulating on a particular topic. Producing – contributing original content and social objects as a means of expressing expertise and identity, and to the so-called information ecosystem where other categories of people share ideas and take decisions Create and post as a means to do so.
Commenting (speaker) – reacting to content created by producers
Although they do not actively create or distribute original content or social objects themselves, their activities are influential to those around them. Sharers – their status on social sites and Finland Phone Number List upload and forward photos, videos, articles, etc. This action brings about relevance and also manifests knowledge and awareness. Watcher – A consumer of content who is looking for information to make decisions, learn lessons from peers, or simply for entertainment. Altimeter also created an engagement pyramid for Twitter. The culture and communication online behaviors that define the Twitterverse set it apart. Curating (Management) – #hashtag Sharing/Producing (Sharing/Producing) – Tweet Sharing – Re-tweet (RT) Commenting (comment) – @reply Watching – Read tweets Behavior graphs (Behaviorgraphics) Technographs and social graphs humanize markets, resulting in a deeper understanding of activity and behavior, and ultimately providing detailed information about how, where, and to what extent communication takes place.