A confirmation link Unsubscribe link In you can add an unsubscribe footer that contains a link that blocks further sending to the email address. If your customer unsubscribes you can rest assur that we will not communicate further with him Profile Edit Link This feature allows you to add a footer to your message with a link to change the data sav in the system Form Builder Our Tool Double opt-in verification is select by default. You can also add any number of consents. Is it possible to inspect and export event history about a given client in Yes. Using the Change History report you can inspect all activities perform and download a list of addresses process in a given activity. In addition, the complete contact and iting history of the recipient’s data is available.
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On the email address card. Is there a risk of losing data stor on the server? No. We perform regular data backups and can restore data within a specific time frame. How will we help customers fulfill their obligations under the right to Belarus WhatsApp Number List be forgotten? A new state call “forgotten” has been introduc in the system. Thanks to it it is possible to indicate that this address has been forgotten and thus lead to the anonymization of his personal data. Is a Data Protection Inspector appoint? Yes. There is a data protection inspector. Where are the shipping servers locat The servers are locat in European Economic Area . Is it possible to export all the data about.
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A given user and transfer it to another system? In the mail system we give you the opportunity to export the entire address database which contains all the functions assign to a specific email address and number as well as reports Afghanistan Phone Number List on its behavior For example, click on a mark link. Additionally a development platform allows you to create new features suitable for clients giving you the option to create specializ reports. Can clients have more levels of system access? Yes By using Email Marketing System we give you the opportunity to assign permissions to specific users of our tools. They are own by managers Access Address.